Many existing battery energy storage system (BESS) control schemes focus on mitigating negative\nimpacts resulting from the operation of distributed energy resources-photovoltaic facilities (DERPV).\nThese include out-of-firm conditions from reverse power flow or extreme variability in the\nservice voltage. Existing control strategies fail to consider how BESS control schemes need to operate\nin a consecutive day-to-day basis in order for them to be implemented in the field. In this\npaper, a novel energy management algorithm capable of dispatching a BESS unit upstream of a\nmulti-megawatt DER-PV is introduced. This algorithm referenced as the Master Energy Coordinator\n(MEC), accepts forecasted DER-PV generation and individual feeder load to create daily charge\nand discharge rate schedules. Logic is integrated to the cyclic discharging event to sync with the\nforecasted peak load, even when it will occur during the morning of the next day. To verify the\nMEC operation, Quasi-Static Time Series (QSTS) simulations are conducted on a 12.47 kV distribution\nfeeder model utilizing historical head-of-feeder and DER-PV analog DSCADA measurements